Topographical prints: source listing: 1830-1839
PORT, STOKE, MORICE-TOWN, STONEHOUSE AND PLYMOUTH ETC. Published W. Colman, Devonport 1830. Has 1 lithograph by & after H. Worsley, and 5 line engravings by G. Banks, H. Adlard, H. Longmaid, J. Hawksworth and Cooke, after A. Rae:
SC1912. Plymouth. Stoke Church Devonport / A.Rae delt. ; Cooke Stonehouse.
SC2101. Maker. Mount Edgcumbe from Backwell's Royal Clarence Baths, Devonport / A.Rae, del. ; H.Adlard, sc..
SC2102. Maker. Mount Edgcumbe House / drawn by A.Rae ; engraved by H.Longmaid.
SC2149. Plymouth. Devonport Town Hall and column / A.Rae del ; G.Banks sculp..
SC2175. Plymouth. Belmont House, Stoke / J.Hawksworth, sc..
S109. L., J. W.: SIX SKETCHES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF PLYMOUTH. A set of etchings by F. C. Lewis after J.W.L., publ 1830:
SC2259. [1]. Plymouth. St. Nicholas Island & Barnpool. (From the Hoe) / J.W.L. - delint. ; F.C.Lewis sculp..
SC2260. [2]. Plymouth. Entrance of Plymouth Harbour. (From the Citadel) / J.W.L. - delint. ; F.C.Lewis, sculp..
SC1949. [3]. Maker. Devil's Point & Mount Edgcumbe (from Emma Place) / by F.C.Lewis after J.W.L..
SC2033. [4]. Plymouth. Stonehouse Barracks (from the quarry) / by F.C.Lewis after J.W.L.
SC2104. [5]. Maker. Mount Edgcumbe (from the rope walk, Stonehouse Hill) / by F.C. Lewis after J.W.L..
SC2105. [6]. Maker. View in Mount Edgcumbe gardens (from the ferry) / by F.C.Lewis after J.W.L..
S110. REED, L. E.: [VIEWS ON THE RIVER EXE]. A set of at least 8 lithographs, 6 of Devon, by W. Day and L. E. Reed after L. E. Reed, publ c1830:
SC0169. Bickleigh, Tiverton. Bickleigh Bridge and the windings of the Exe. From the Crediton.
SC0170. Bickleigh, Tiverton. Bickleigh, and the vale of the Exe / on stone by L.E.Reed ; printed by W.Day.
SC0935. Exeter. Exeter (from the foot of Stoke Hill, looking towards Pynes / by W.Day after L.E.Reed.
SC1800. Oakford. View of Oakford Bridge on the Exe / by L.E.Reed.
SC3000. Tiverton. Tiverton. (From the fields near Prescott) / L.E.Reed delt. ; W. Day lithog. 17, Gale St..
SC3001. Tiverton. Cove Cliffs. (From the Bampton Road) / by L.E.Reed.
S111. SARTORIUS, Capt G. R., RN: [VIEWS IN PLYMOUTH [ETC]. A set of 8 lithographs by J. D. Harding after Capt G. R. Sartorius, publ W. Byers and S. Saunders, Devonport c1830:
SC2333. [1]. Plymouth. Mount Edgcumbe, from Stone House Bridge / drawn on stone from J.D.Harding, from a drawing taken on the spot by Captn.Sartorius.
SC2217. [2]. Plymouth. Breakwater. Towards the west / drawn on stone by J.D.Harding, from a drawing taken on the spot by Captn.Sartorius R.N..
SC2264. [3]. Plymouth. Plymouth Sound & Drake's Island. From Cremyll Passage / by J.D. Harding after Capt.G.Sartorius.
SC2326. [4]. Plymouth. Landing place under Plymouth Hoe / drawn on stone by J.D.Harding from a sketch, taken on the spot by Captn.Sartorius R.N..
SC2332. [5]. Plymouth. Stonehouse Bridge. From Richmond Walk / by J.D.Harding after Captn.G.Sartorius.
SC2265. [6]. Plymouth. Plymouth. View from the road to Maker Tower, near the upper gate Mount Edgcumbe / drawn on stone by J.D.Harding, from a sketch ...
SC2263. [7]. Plymouth. The Sound, Breakwater Mount Edgecumbe. From Mutton Cove / drawn on stone by J.D.Harding, from a sketch ... by Captn.G.R.Sartorius.
SC2107. [8]. Plymouth. Mount Edgcumbe, from the Hoe. Looking over the quarries / drawn on stone by J.D.Harding from a sketch ... by Captn.G.R.Sartorius.
S112. TURLE, E.: [VIEWS OF NORTH DEVON]. A set of 6 lithographs by L. Haghe after E. Turle, Published Mrs Wildman's Repository, Barnstaple c1830:
SC0060. [1]. Barnstaple. View of Barnstaple / by L.Haghe after E.Turle.
SC0378. [2]. Clovelly. Clovelly / by L. Haghe after E. Turle.
SC0198. [3]. Bideford. Bideford / by L.Haghe after E.Turle.
SC1288. [4]. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe / by L.Haghe after E.Turle.
SC1594. [5]. Lynmouth. Lynmouth / by L.Haghe after E.Turle.
SC1651. [6]. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of Rocks, Linton / drawn from nature by E.Turle & on stone by L.Haghe ; printed by W.Day, 59 Gt.Queen St. London.
S113. TURNER, Joseph Mallord William (text by RUSKIN, John): THE HARBOURS OF ENGLAND. Published Day & Son, London c1830. Has 3 Devon mezzs by T. Lupton after J. M. W. Turner:
SC1994. 3. Plymouth. Plymouth / by T.Lapton after J.M.W.Turner.
SC2315. 4. Plymouth. Catwater. Entrance to Plymouth Sound / by T.Lupton after J.M.W. Turner.
SC2498. 9. Sidmouth. Sidmouth / drawn by J.M.W.Turner, Esqr. R.A. ; engraved by Thos. Lupton.
S114. WHITE, Lieut. G. H. P., RN: FOUR VIEWS ON THE RIVER DART, DEVON. A set of lithographs by W. Gauci after Lieut G. H. P. White And Capt T. White, Published W. Byers and S. Saunders, Devonport c1830:
SC0274. [1]. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey. The residence of Captn.T.White R.N. / drawn on stone by W.Gauci ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
SC0131. [2]. Berry Pomeroy. Berry Pomeroy Castle / drawn on stone by W.Gauci from a sketch by Captn.White ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
SC0276. [3]. Buckfastleigh. A view on the River Dart, Devon / drawn on stone by W.Gauci from a sketch by Captn.White ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
SC0275. [4]. Buckfastleigh. The Dart from the lower Buckland road / drawn on stone by W.Gauci from a sketch by Lieut.White R.N. ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
S115. WILKINS, George: FOUR LITHOGRAPHIC VIEWS AT AND NEAR ILFRACOMBE. A set of lithographs by & after G. Wilkins, publ Banfield's Library, Ilfracombe c1830:
SC1286. [1]. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Harbour / drawn from nature & on stone by G.Wilkins ; printed by Graf & Soret.
SC1207. [2]. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Church / drawn from nature & on stone by G.Wilkins ; printed by Engelmann & Co..
SC1285. [3]. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe / drawn from nature & on stone by G.Wilkins ; printed by Graf & Soret.
SC1340. [4]. Ilfracombe. Lee near Ilfracombe / by and after G.Wilkins.
SC1918. Plymouth. Pennycross Chapel / by and after J.Penson.
SC2261. Plymouth. Drake's Island, looking from the Hoe / by J.R.Jobbins after J. Penson.
SC2316. Plymouth. Laira Bridge / by and after J.Penson.
SC0724A. Eddystone. Eddystone lighthouse / by and after J.Penson.
S.116. WORSLEY, Henry: FOUR VIEWS NEAR PLYMOUTH. A set of lithographs by & after H. Worsley, Published S. Saunders, Devonport c1830:
SC2376. [1]. Plymouth. Plymouth from Saltram / by and after H.Worsley.
SC0736. [2]. Eggbuckland. Crab Tree / by and after H.Worsley.
SC2266. [3]. Plymouth. St. Nicholas' Island / by and after H.Worsley.
SC2375. [4]. Plympton St.Mary. Saltram / by and after H.Worsley.
S117. REED, L. E.: [VIEWS OF THE TORQUAY AREA]. A set of 12 lithographs by J. Jacottet, P. Benoist, Villeneuve, Richebois and L. E. Reed after L. E. Reed, Published E. Croydon, Teignmouth & Torquay c1830, printed by Auguste Bry of Paris, later by S. Straker or W. Day, London. The first 7 titles were issued, in order given, as:
SC3280. [1]. Torquay. Park Hill, Jorquay / by J.Jacotted after E.L.Reed.
SC3186. [2]. Torquay. Torquay from the pier / by P.Benoist after L.E.Reed.
SC3259. [3]. Torquay. Entrance to the harbour, Torquay, from the Rock Walk / by P. Benoist after L.E.Reed.
SC3152. [4]. Torquay. Daddy's Hole, Torquay / by J.Jacottet after L.E.Reed.
SC3036. [5]. Torquay. Babbacombe, Devot / by J.Jacottet after L.E.Reed.
SC3037. [6]. Torquay. Marble quarries at Petit-Tor, near Torquay / by Villeneuve after L.E.Reed.
SC3355. [7]. Torquay. Watcombe near Torquay / drawn by L.E.Reed ; drawn on stone by Villeneuve ; printed by Auguste Bry of Paris.
SC3208. [8]. Torquay. Torquay, from the Beacon Hill / after L.E.Reed.
SC3281. [9]. Torquay. Torquay from Livermead Sands / by L.E.Reed.
SC2918. extr. Teignmouth. Teignmouth, from the Torquay Road / by Richebois after E.L.Reed.
SC2904. extr. Teignmouth. Teignmouth, from Woodway Lane / by Villeneuve after L.E.Reed.
SS.118. BOWDLER, Mrs H. M.: PEN TAMAR. Published 1831. Has 4 aquatints, 2 of Devon, anon, without titles on plates:
SC1995. [1]. Plymouth. General view of Plymouth / J.C.Lewes [F.C.Lewis?].
SC2730. [3]. Tamar River. View on the Tamar.
SC0395A. Cockington. Cockington Church / by J.Marten.
SC1712A. [01]. Marldon. Compton Castle / by J.Marten.
SC1473A. [05]. Lydford. Crockern Tor - Dartmoor / by J.Marten.
SC2270A. [07]. Plymouth. Drake's Island from Stonehouse / by J.Marten.
SC1874. [10]. Paignton. Tower of the Bishops palace, Paignton / J.Marten lithog..
SC0002A. [11]. Alphington. Alphington, from the Exeter Road / by J.Marten.
SC0467A. [4]. Dartmouth. Mouth of the Dart, & Dartmouth Castle / by J.Marten.
S.119. BOULTON, Mrs: FOUR VIEWS OF BLUNDELL'S SCHOOL, TIVERTON. A set (with short descriptive text) of lithograph title vignette and 4 other lithographs by & after Mrs Boulton, Published G. Boyce, Tiverton 1831:
SC2961. Titl. Tiverton. [ Porter's Lodge, Blundell's School] / sketched, & drawn on stone by Mrs.Boulton ; printed by W.Hackett, Exeter.
SC2962. [1]. Tiverton. Blundell's School, from the Tumbling Field / by and after Mrs.
SC2963. [2]. Tiverton. Blundell's School, from Copp's Court / by and after Mrs.Boulton.
SC2964. [3]. Tiverton. Interior of the Upper School / sketched, & drawn on stone by Mrs.Boulton ; printed by W.Hackett, Exeter.
SC2965. [4]. Tiverton. Front view of Blundell's School / by and after Mrs Boulton.
S.120. SPRAKE, C. J. G.: GATES AND OTHER ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY OF EXETER. Published in parts by C. J. G. Sprake, Exeter 1831-2. A set of 15 line engravings (though 21 plates were intended) by C. J. G. Sprake:
SC0778. [01]. Exeter. Rougemont Castle. Exeter / drawn and engraved by C.J.G.Sprake 120 Fore St.Hill.
SC0901. [02]. Exeter. The old Broad Gate, Exeter / drawn, engraved, & published, by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0912. [03]. Exeter. The ancient South Gate of Exeter / engraved and published by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0918. [04]. Exeter. The ancient West Gate of Exeter / published and engraved by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0906. [05]. Exeter. The ancient East Gate of Exeter / engraved and published by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0907. [06]. Exeter. The ancient North Gate of Exeter / engraved and published, by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0892. [07]. Exeter. Saint John's Hospital, Exeter / published and engraved by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0905. [08]. Exeter. East Gate from the exterior / engraved, printed & published, by C.J.G.Sprake.
SC0921. [09]. Exeter. The old conduit, Exeter / engraved and published by C.J.G.Sprake.
SC0755. [10]. Exeter. The old bridge, Exeter / engraved and published by C.J.G.Sprake.
SC0922. [11]. Exeter. New conduit, Exeter. / engraved printed and published by C.J.G. Sprake.
SC0893. [12]. Exeter. St. Mary's Chapel, formerly in the castle yard, Exeter. From a drawing by R.B.Vidal Esq. / engr.print. and C.J.G.Sprake.
SC0895. [13]. Exeter. St. Nicholas's Priory, Mint, Exeter / engraved printed and published by C.J.G.Sprake.
SC0884. [14]. Exeter. St. Leonard's old church / engraved printed and published by C.J.G.Sprake.
SC0888. [15]. Exeter. Old Trinity Church, Exeter / engraved printed and published by C.J.G.Sprake.
S.121. BLEWITT, Octavian: THE PANORAMA OF TORQUAY. A DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE DISTRICT BETWEEN THE DART AND TEIGN. 2nd edition Published Simpkin & Marshall, London, and Cockrem, Torquay, 1832. Has 5 lithographs probably by & after by G. Rowe, and 1 wood engr by G. P. Hearder:
SC3343. [1]. Torquay. Ruins of the chapel, Tor Abbey/ after G.Rowe.
SC3187. [2]. Torquay. [ Harbour, Torquay] / by G,.P.Hearder.
SC3342. [3]. Torquay. Tor Abbey / probably by and after G.Rowe.
SC3344. [4]. Torquay. Entrance to the chapel, Tor Abbey / probably by and after G.Rowe.
SC3341. [5]. Torquay. Tor Abby gate / probably by and after G.Rowe.
SC3116. [6]. Torquay. Tor Church / [probably by and after G.Rowe].
S.122. GENDALL, John: [ETCHED VIEWS OF EXETER. A set of at least 6 etchings presumed by & after J. Gendall, Published J. Gendall, Exeter 1834:
SC0756. Exeter. The bridge at Cricklepit Mills near West Gate / [prob. by J.Gendall].
SC0902. Exeter. The late Broad Gate, towards the cathedral yard / [probably by and after J.Gendall].
SC0913. Exeter. North view of the late south gate / [probably by and after J. Gendall].
SC0914. Exeter. The south side of the late South Gate / [probably by and after J. Gendall].
SC0979. Exeter. Stepcot Hill, near Westgate / [probably by & after J. Gendall].
SC1033. Exeter. Entrance to an ancient house in Cathedral Yard / [probably by and after J.Gendall].
S.123. ANON: GUIDE TO ILLUSTRATIONS AND VIEWS OF KNOWLE COTTAGE, SIDMOUTH; THE ELEGANT MARINE VILLA ORNEE OF THOS. L. FISH ESQ. Published J. Harvey, Sidmouth 1834. Has 10 lithographs after C. F. Williams and by & after G. Rowe, and 4 aquatints by T. Sutherland and D. Havell after T. Fidlor and H. Haseler, the last 7 titles being individually originally Published J. Wallis, Sidmouth:
SC2560. [01]. Sidmouth. View of part of the south front of Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth / after C.F.Williams.
SC2566. [02]. Sidmouth. The dell and fountain on the lower lawn, together with the ocean scenery ... / C.F.Williams del. ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
SC2565. [03]. Sidmouth. View of the shipping and ocean scenery, as seen through the large ... / C.F.Williams del. ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
SC2563. [04]. Sidmouth. View of the marble fountain ... in the grounds of Knowle Cottage,Sidmouth ... / C.F.Williams delt. ; C.Hullmandel.
SC2564. [05]. Sidmouth. View of the church, shipping and ocean scenery, as taken from one of ... / C.F.Williams delt. ; printed by C.Hullmandel.
SC2562. [06]. Sidmouth. View of the verandah looking east ... at Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth / after C.F.Williams.
SC2561. [07]. Sidmouth. View of part of the cottage and conservatory ... at Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth / after C.F.Williams.
SC2551. [08]. Sidmouth. Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth, the Residence of T.L.Fish Esqr. / T. Fidlor delint. ; T.Sutherland sculpt..
SC2553. [10]. Sidmouth. Carriage Entrance to Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth / T.Fidlor delint. ; T.Sutherland sculp..
SC2558. [11]. Sidmouth. View from the grotto, Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth.(T.L.Fish Esq.) / drawn from nature & on stone by Geo.Rowe ; printed by P.Simonau.
SC2552. [12]. Sidmouth. View from the drawing room of Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth / T. Fidlor delint. ; T.Sutherland sculp..
SC2556-1. [12]. Sidmouth. View from the drawing room window of Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth.
SC2557. [13]. Sidmouth. The grotto and jet-d'eau, Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth / by and after G. Rowe.
SC2549-2. [14]. Sidmouth. Knole Cottage, built by the Rt.Honble.Lord Le Despenser ....
S.124. RICAUTI, T. J.: [PLYMOUTH BUILDINGS]. A set of at least 5 lithographs or zincographs by T. J. Ricauti, from an unidentified source, Published J. Williams, London c1835:
SC1899. Plymouth. Saint Andrew's Church, Plymouth / by T.J.Ricauti.
SC1916. Plymouth. Saint Paul's Chapel - Edgcumbe Place, Stonehouse / by T.J. Ricauti.
SC2129. Plymouth. Athenaeum Theatre and Assembly Rooms, Plymouth / by T.J.Ricauti.
SC2140. Plymouth. Exchange, Plymouth, as designed / by T.J.Ricauti.
SC2179. Plymouth. Niagara Cottage, Quarry Park, near Plymouth. John Foulston archt. / on zinc by T.J.R. ; printed by J.Grieve.
S.125. CONDY, Nicholas G.: [VIEWS AT MOUNT EDGCUMBE]. A set of probably 6 lithographs by W. Walton after N. C. Condy, Published S.Saunders, Devonport, and R. Ackermann, London, c 1835:
SC2275. [1]. Plymouth. Drake's Island, Mount Battem etc. from the gardens at the back Mount Edgcumbe House / by W.Walton after N.C.Condy.
SC2109. [2]. Maker. Adelaide Chapel, Penlee Point. The extremity of the drive from Mount Edgcumbe Park / by W.Walton after N.C.Condy.
SC2204. [3]. Plymouth. The Victualling Office, from Richmond Walk, Devonport / by W.Walton after N.C.Condy.
SC1997. [4]. Plymouth. From the White Seat at Mount Edgcumbe Park / by W.Walton after N.C.Condy.
SC2276. [5]. Plymouth. The Mew Stone and Breakwater, from Mount Edgcumbe / drawn on stone by W.Walton, from a drawing by N.C.Condy Esqr..
SC2110. [6]. Maker. Cawsand Bay and Penlee Point. From the Great Terrace, Mount Edgcumbe Park / drawn on stone by W.Walton from ... by N.C.Condy.
S.125A. CHAPMAN, T. E.: [FOUR LITHOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF DAWLISH]. Published W. Hackett, Exeter cl835. Has 4 lithographs by T. E. Chapman:
SC0571. [1]. Dawlish. Strand, Dawlish / by T.E.Chapman.
SC0610. [2]. Dawlish. The beach, Dawlish / by T.E.Chapman.
SC0647. [3]. Dawlish. Entrance to Luscombe House, near Dawlish / by T.E.Chapman.
SC0630. [4]. Dawlish. Ruins of Cofton Chapel, near Dawlish / T.E.Chapman, Exeter, lithog..
S.126. GILLHAM, C.: [VIEWS OF PLYMOUTH ETC]. A set of at least 4 lithographs by R. Martin after G. Gillham, Published cl835:
SC1953. Plymouth. Hamoaze from Upper Stoke / C.Gillham, Plymouth ; R.Martin, London.
SC2203. Plymouth. The Victualling Office, from Cremill Passage / C.Gillham. Plymouth ; R.Martin, London.
SC2274. Plymouth. Plymouth Sound, and Mount Edgecumbe, from Deadman's Bay / C. Gillham, Plymouth ; R.Martin, London.
SC2341. Plymouth. The Pier, Barbican, Cat Water, and Turnchapel, from the Quay / C..
S.127. ROWE, George: [VIEWS OF NORTH DEVON]. A set of at least 9 lithograph vignettes by & after G. Rowe (except where stated), Published J. Banfield, llfracombe c1835:
SC0103. Berrynarbor. Watermouth / G.Rowe, lith.Cheltenham.
SC0383. Clovelly. Clovelly / G.Rowe, Cheltenham ; J.Banfield, Ilfracombe.
SC1210. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Church / G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1226. Ilfracombe. Capstone Hill - Ilfracombe / G.Rowe, lith. Cheltenham.
SC1244. Ilfracombe. Hillsborough Hill - Ilfracombe / G.Rowe Cheltenham.
SC1261. Ilfracombe. Lantern Hill, Ilfracombe / by G.Rowe.
SC1290. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe / [after G.W.].
SC1600. Lynmouth. Lynmouth / G.Rowe, lith Chellm..
SC1601. Lynmouth. Entrance to Lynmouth / Rowe lithog. Cheltenham.
SC1290A. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe, from Killage Point / by G.Rowe.
S.128. ROWE, George: SCENERY IN THE NORTH OF DEVON. A set of at least 32 lithographs by & after G. Rowe, a selection of which was published in booklets of 18, 15 etc, all with the above title, by G. Rowe, Cheltenham cl835:
SC1194. Ilfracombe. Scene from the tunnel, Ilfracombe / drawn, printed and published by G.Rowe, 69 St.George's Place, Cheltenham.
SC1211. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Church, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1281. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1291. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe from the Tors / drawn printed and published by Geo. Rowe artist Cheltenham.
SC1490. Lynton & Lynmouth. Lynton and Lynmouth from the summer house on Lyn Cliff / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1492. Lynton & Lynmouth. Entrance to Lynton and Lynmouth, Devon / by & after G.Rowe.
SC1493. Lynton & Lynmouth. Lynmouth and Countisbury. From the walk to the Valley of Rocks / drawn, printed & published, by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1494. Lynton & Lynmouth. Entrance to Linton and Lynmouth / drawn printed & pubd. by G. Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1495. Lynmouth. Lynmouth - Devon / drawn printed & published by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1534. Lynmouth. Lynmouth, from the valley of the East Lyn. With the residence of J.Scott Esqre / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1535. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of the West Lyn, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1538. Lynton & Lynmouth. Waters Meet, near Lynmouth (Revd.W.Halliday) / by and after G. Rowe.
SC1539. Lynton & Lynmouth. Waters Meet, Lynmouth, Devon / drawn printed & published by G. Rowe, Exeter House Cheltenham.
SC1540. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of the East Lyn, Lynmouth - Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1541. Lynton & Lynmouth. The Thread Water, valley of the West Lynn Lynmouth, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1598. Lynmouth. Lynmouth, from the pier / drawn, printed & published by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1599. Lynmouth. Lynmouth, from the pier / drawn printed & published by Geo.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1602. Lynmouth. At Lynmouth, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1603. Lynmouth. Lynmouth - Devon / drawn, printed and published by George Rowe Artist Cheltenham.
SC1604. Lynmouth. Lynmouth - Devon / drawn, printed and published by Geo.Rowe Cheltenham.
SC1656. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of Rocks, Linton, Devon / drawn, printed, & published by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1657. Lynton & Lynmouth. The Valley of Rocks. Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1224-1. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe, from Capstone Hill / drawn from nature & on ....
SC1282-1. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe. From Hillsborough / drawn, printed & published ....
SC1489-1. Lynton & Lynmouth. Entrance to Lynton and Lynmouth / drawn printed & published ....
SC1533-1. Lynton & Lynmouth. The Waters Meet. Lynmouth / drawn from nature & on stone by Geo. ....
SC1589-1. Lynmouth. Lynmouth, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1590-1. Lynmouth. At Lynmouth, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1647-1. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of Rocks, Devon / by and after G.Rowe.
129. ROWE, George: [VIEWS OF TEIGNMOUTH]. A set of at least 4 lithographs by G. Rowe Published G. Collins, Teignmouth cl835:
SC2852. Teignmouth. East Teingmouth / lithographed & printed by G.Rowe Cheltenham.
SC2893. Teignmouth. Teignmouth from the Torquay Road / by G.Rowe.
SC2905. Teignmouth. Teignmouth / lithographed & printed by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC2921. Teignmouth. Teignmouth / by G.Rowe.
130. ROWE, George: [VIEWS OF TORQUAY AND NEIGHBOURHOOD - MIDDLE SERIES]. A set of at least 12 lithographs by & after G. Rowe, Published G. Rowe, Cheltenham cl835:
SC3012. Torquay. Anstey's Cove near Torquay, Devon / by and after G.Rowe Also published with title Ansty's Cove, Devon.
SC3040. Torquay. Babacombe / drawn printed and published by G.Rowe lithographer Cheltenham.
SC3119. Torquay. Tor Church, Devon / drawn, printed & published, by G.Rowe, artist, Cheltenham.
SC3172. Torquay. The bathing cove, Torquay / drawn, printed & published by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC3209. Torquay. Torquay. From Park Hill / drawn, printed and published by G. Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC3210. Torquay. Torquay. From the Beacon / drawn printed and published by G. Rowe Cheltenham.
SC3211. Torquay. Torquay, from Park Terrace / by and after G.Rowe.
SC3212. Torquay. Torquay. From Park Terrace / drawn printed and published by G. Rowe Cheltenham.
SC3261. Torquay. Torquay, from the Rock Walk / drawn, printed & published by G. Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC3312. Torquay. Upton, Tor & Torbay, from Dazon Rock / [by G.Rowe].
SC3313. Torquay. Torquay from Old Wood Field / drawn & published by G.Rowe.
SC3328. Torquay. The Great Hall, Kent's Cavern. Torquay / drawn & published by G. Rowe ; W.Day, the King.
131. WILLIAMS, C. F.: [VIEWS IN EXETER]. A set of at least 3 lithographs by W. Gauci after C. F. Williams, Published cl835:
SC0748. Exeter. Exeter Quay / drawn from nature by C.F.Williams ; on stone by W.Gauci.
SC0749. Exeter. Exeter, from the Haven Banks / drawn from nature by C.F. Williams ; on stone by W.Gauci.
SC0955. Exeter. View of Exeter from the lower Heavitree road / drawn from nature by C.F. Williams ; on stone by W.Gauci.
132. WILLIAMS, G. F.: [VIEWS AT SIDMOUTH]. A set of at least 5 lithograph vignettes by W. Gauci after G. F. Williams (except where stated). Published J. or J. S. Harvey, Sidmouth cl835:
SC2516. Sidmouth. The Church, (St. Nicholas.) Sidmouth / W.Gauci, lith.
SC2522. Sidmouth. All Saint's Church, Sidmouth / J.H.Taylor. Archt. ; W.Gauci, lith.
SC2658. Sidmouth. Sidmouth, western view / W.Gauci, lith..
SC2660. Sidmouth. Sidmouth, from Peak Hill / drawn from nature by C.F.Williams ; W.Gauci, lithog. 9, North Crest.Bedfd.Sqe..
SC2677. Sidmouth. Sidmouth, from Salcombe Hill / drawn from nature by C.F. Harvey ; W.Gauci, lithog. 9, North Crest.Bedfd.Sqe..
133. STANFIELD, Clarkson: COASTAL SCENERY, OR A SERIES OF VIEWS IN THE BRITISH CHANNEL. Published Smith, Elder & Co, London 1836, 2nd edition 1847. Has 4 (possibly 5) line engravings by J. B. Allen, J. Stephenson, W. B. Cooke, J. C. Armytage and E. Finden after C. Stanfield:
SC0471. Dartmouth. Dartmouth / C.Stanfield, R.A. ; J.B.Allen, sc..
SC0522. Dartmouth. Dartmouth Castle / C.Stanfield, R.A. ; J.Stephenson, sc..
SC1955. Plymouth. Hamoaze, Plymouth / C.Stanfield, R.A. ; J.C.Armytage, sc..
SC2334. Plymouth. Stonehouse Bridge, Plymouth / by W.B.Cooke after C.Stanfield.
SC2413. Powderham. Powderham Park, Exmouth / C.Stanfield, R.A. ; E.Finden, sc..
134. WIGHTWIGK, George: NETTLETON'S GUIDE TO PLYMOUTH, STONEHOUSE, DEVONPORT, AND TO THE NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY. Published Nettleton, Plymouth 1836. Has 4 lithographs (plus architectural prints and plans) by Nettleton and G. Lee after G. Wightwick and anon:
SC1900. Plymouth. St. Andrew's tower from Bedford Street / Nettleton, lith.
SC2151. Plymouth. Devonport Column and Mount Zion Chapel / Nettleton lith.
SC2155. Plymouth. The South Devon and East Cornwall Hospital / G.Wightwick Esqr archt ; G.Lee litho..
SC2319. Plymouth. The Laira Bridge & Saltram / Nettleton, lith.
S.134A. BESLEY, Henry: THE EXETER GUIDE AND ITINERARY. Published H. Besley, Exeter 1836. Has 2 wood engravings, anon:
SC0997. [1]. Exeter. The Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter.
SC1005. [2]. Exeter. The Devon Sessions House, Exeter..
135. FINDEN, William and Edward F.: VIEWS OF PORTS AND HARBOURS, WATERING PLACES, FISHING VILLAGES AND OTHER PICTURESQUE OBJECTS ON THE ENGLISH COAST. Edited by W. A. C. Published C. Tilt, London 1838 (half-title gives 1836). Has 4 Devon line engravings by E. and W. Finden, after E. Duncan, J. D. Harding and Jendle (presumably J. Gendall), without plate nos.:
SC0248. Brixham. Brixham / drawn by E.Duncan ; engraved by E.Finden.
SC1067. Exmouth. Exmouth / drawn by J.D.Harding, from a sketch by Jendle ; engraved by W.Finden.
SC2500. Sidmouth. View from the beach at Sidmouth. Looking towards the south-west/ drawn by J.D.Harding, from a sketch by Jendle ; E.Finden.
SC2501. 13. Otterton. Caves at Ladram Bay, Devonshire / drawn by J.D.Harding from a sketch by Jendle ; engraved by W.Finden.
SC0310. 23. Budleigh Salterton. Budleigh Salterton / drawn by J.D.Harding from a sketch by - Jendle ; engraved by W.Finden.
SC2112-1. 29. Maker. Mount Edgcumbe, Devon / drawn by J.D.Harding, from a sketch ....
SC2112. 29. Maker. Mount Edgcumbe, Plymouth / drawn by J.D.Harding, from a sketch by Jendle ; engraved by E.Finden.
SC1999. 39. Plymouth. Plymouth, Devon / drawn by J.D.Harding from a sketch by - Jendle ; engraved by W.Finden.
Another edition was Published 1844 'in six Divisions'
136. WINKLES, H. & B. ARCHITECTURAL AND PICTURESQUE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE CATHEDRAL CHURCHES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Published in 3 volumes, London 1836-42. Has 9 Devon line engravings by B. Winkles after J. Salmon and R. Garland:
SC0826. 91. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. From the Bishop's garden / drawn by John Salmon from a sketch by R.Garland ; engraved by B.Winkles.
SC0865. 92. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. The nave looking west / drawn by John Salmon from a sketch by R.Garland ... ; engraved by B.Winkles.
SC0827. 93. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. South west view / drawn by John Salmon from a sketch by R.Garland for Winkles's Cathedrals ; B.Winkles.
SC0828. 94. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. The southern tower / drawn by John Salmon from a sketch by R.Garland for Winkles's Cathedrals; B.Winkles.
SC0866. 95. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. Bishop Stafford's monument / drawn by John Salmon from a sketch by R.Garland ... ; engraved by B.Winkles.
SC0829. 96. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. West front / drawn by R.Garland for Winkles's Cathedrals ; engraved by B.Winkles.
SC0867. 97. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. The Bishop's throne / drawn by J.Salmon, for Winkles's Cathedrals ; engraved by B.Winkles.
SC0830. 98. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. North east view / drawn by R.Garland for Winkles's Cathedrals ; engraved by B.Winkles.
SC0868. 99. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. The chapter room / drawn by R.Garland, for Winkles's Cathedrals ; engraved by B.Winkles.
137. BANFIELD, James (publ): SCENERY IN THE NORTH OF DEVON. A set of at least 32 lithographs, made up into booklets with 19 and other numbers of plates, by G. Hawkins, W. Gauci, G. Wilkins, G. Rowe, and P. Gauci, after H. Strong, G. Wilkins, G. Rowe, W. Gauci, T. Martin and Revd Bulwer, Published J. Banfield, llfracombe cl837 (4 Devon prints originally Published G. Rowe, Cheltenham, plus 1 of Somerset, others publ Banfield from 1828):
SC0099. Berrynarbor. Watermouth, near Ilfracombe. North devon / drawn from nature and on stone by the Revd.J.Bulwer.
SC0104. Berrynarbor. Watermouth, North Devon, the seat of J.D.Bassett Esqre / by G. Hawkins.
SC0202. Bideford. Bideford, from the new Barnstaple road / after T.Martin.
SC0375. Clovelly. Clovelly - Devon / by G.Rowe after T.Martin.
SC0385. Clovelly. Clovelly / Captn.H.Strong, delt. ; M.& N.Hanhart, lith.printers; P.Gauci, lith..
SC0414. Combe Martin. Coombe Martin & Hangman Hill / by & after G.Rowe.
SC1605A. Lynmouth. Lynmouth from the valley of East Lyn / by and after W.Gauci.
SC1195. Ilfracombe. The lady's bathing cove, Ilfracombe / drawn from nature & on stone by W.Gauci, London.
SC1196. Ilfracombe. Hot and cold baths, with tunnel leading to the bathing beaches, Ilfracombe / by G.Wilkins.
SC1208. Ilfracombe. The church at Ilfracombe, North Devon / by W.Gauci after Rev.J. Bulwer.
SC1209. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Church, from the old Barnstaple Road / drawn from nature & on stone by W.Gauci.
SC1225. Ilfracombe. Capstone Hill Parade, Ilfracombe / J.Martin, delt. ; W.Gauci, lithog..
SC1245. Ilfracombe. Hillsboro', and the entrance to the harbour, Ilfracombe / lithographed & printed by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1266. Ilfracombe. Wildersmouth - Ilfracombe / by G.Rowe.
SC1293. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe from the north side of Hillsborough / drawn from nature & on stone by W.Gauci, London.
SC1294. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Harbour, from the path above the ship-builders yard / by and after W.Gauci.
SC1295. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe, from the field above Tor Cottages / by W.Gauci after Capt.H.Strong.
SC1296. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe from Hillsborough / Day & Haghe, lithrs. to the Queen ; G.Hawkins Junr. lith..
SC1496. Lynton & Lynmouth. [ Linton and Lynmouth] / [by George Rowe].
SC1497. Lynmouth. The Foreland & Countisbury Hill, Lynmouth / by & after G.Rowe.
SC1542. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of the West Lynn / by and after G.Rowe.
SC1543. Lynton & Lynmouth. Waters Meet, near Lynmouth / lithographed & printed by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1605. Lynmouth. Lynmouth from the Torrs / by and after W.Gauci.
SC1606. Lynmouth. Lynmouth / lithographed & printed by G.Rowe, Cheltenham.
SC1607. Lynmouth. Lynmouth, from near the pier / Captn.H.Strong, delt. ; M.& N. Hanhart, lith.printers ; W.Gauci, lith..
SC1608. Lynmouth. Lynmouth - Devon / drawn, printed and published by Geo.Rowe, Exeter House, Cheltenham.
SC1652. Lynton & Lynmouth. Valley of Rocks. Linton, Devon / Captn.H.Strong, delt. ; M.& N. Hanhart, lith.printers ; W.Gauci, lith..
SC1207-1. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe Church / drawn from nature & on stone by G.Wilkins ...
SC1285-1. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe / drawn from nature & on stone by G.Wilkins ... printed by Graf & Soret.
SC1340-1. Ilfracombe. Lee near Ilfracombe / by and after G.Wilkins.
138. TURNER, Joseph Mallord William (text by LLOYD, H. E.): PICTURESQUE VIEWS IN ENGLAND AND WALES. Published in 2 volumes by Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman, London 1838. Has 6 Devon line engravings by W. R. Smith, R. Wallis, J. Willmore, T. Jeavons and W. J. Cooke, after J. M. W. Turner:
SC0459. [1:0. Dartmouth. Dartmouth Cove / drawn by J.M.W.Turner, R.A. ; engraved by W.R. Smith.
SC0272. [1:1. Buckfastleigh. [ Buckfastleigh Abbey, Devonshire] / [by R.Wallis after J.M.W. Turner].
SC1842. [1:1. Okehampton. Okehampton, Devonshire / drawn by J.M.W.Turner, R.A. ; engraved by J.Willmore.
SC0746. [1:2. Exeter. Exeter / drawn by J.M.W.Turner, R.A. ; engraved by T.Jeavons.
SC1948. [1:2. Plymouth. Devonport and Dock Yard, Devonshire / drawn by J.M.W.Turner, R.A. ; engraved by T.Jeavons ; printed by Mc.Queen.
SC1996. [2:0. Plymouth. Plymouth, Devonshire / by W.J.Cooke after J.M.W.Turner.
139. OLIVER, Revd George: ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES IN DEVON. Published W. C. Featherstone, Exeter, in 3 volumes, 1839, 1840, 1842. Has
4 Devon lithographs (and some architectural drawings) by W. G. Featherstone:
SC1143. [1]. Heavitree. St. Eloy's Chapel, Heavitree, Exeter / W.C.Featherstone, lithographer, Exeter.
SC1037. [2]. Exeter. Elyot's House / [by W.C.Featherstone].
SC2807. [3]. Tawstock. Old Tawstock Court. Destroyed by Fire, November the 10th 1786 / W.C.Featherstone's Lithography, Exeter.
SC2821. [4]. Teignmouth. The old Saxon Church, East Teignmouth, Devon / W.C.Featherstone lithographer, Exeter.
This page last updated 17 March 2017